Liangchen Li

Liangchen Li

Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence

University of Cambridge


This website is currently only used as a personal recorder of paper reading.

  • Deep Learning Theory
  • Computer Vision
  • Robust Learning
  • Anything else EXCEPT Natural Language Processing


The Campfire Tales

What on Earth is Neural Tangent Kernel?
What on Earth is Neural Tangent Kernel?

Please see original post for full version. Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) is well known as a powerful tool that elegantly proves the convergence and generalisation of neural networks. However, as an engineering student who basically know nothing about mathematics, I find the original NTK paper a little bit opaque to understand. Driven by my intrinsic inquisitiveness (“vegetable but addicted”), I spent some time trying to figure out what on earth is NTK with every effort and managed to get an impression on that at last. This article aims to help people who are in the same boat, vegetable, but still struggling for a free ride in deep learning theory.


Full List (340)

Only includes thoroughly read papers. Full collection is much larger than this.

Foundation Models

Lightweight Large Language Models (5)

Usage of Foundation Models (2)

Vision-Language Pretraining and Multimodal Large Language Models (38)

Image Generation

Autoregressive Models for Image Generation (4)

Consistency Models (8)

Diffusion Models (30)

Generative Adversarial Networks (17)

Vision Tasks

Image Segmentation (2)

Intrinsic Image Decomposition, Re-lighting, Harmonization and Shadow Removal (19)

Virtual Try-on, pose estimation, 3D reconstruction and Graphics Related (16)

GAN Prior and GAN Inversion (21)

Image Translation and Processing (9)

Vision Backbones (7)

Robust Learning

Data Poisoning (5)

Adversarial Examples and Attacks (32)

Robust Learning and Adversarial Defenses (56)


Randomized Linear Algebra (1)

Autonomous Driving (2)

AI for Biomedical Science (29)

Explainable AI (1)

Robotics (2)

Knowledge Distillation (2)

Data Augmentation (2)

Visualisation (1)

Convergence and Generalization (5)

Topological Data Analysis (7)

Contrastive/Self-supervised/Unsupervised/Representation Learning (5)

Organization and Architecture (2)

Deep Reinforcement Learning (3)

Graph Neural Networks (4)

Discrete Algorithms (1)

Feature Discriptor (2)